One In Thirty

When I explore a creative topic, roughly twenty-nine out of thirty of my ideas are either average or stupid. The average ones are usually restatements of other bland ideas; the stupid ones have no substance, entirely miss the point, or are offensive (or some...

What Fiction Writing Makes Me

One aspect I love about writing fiction is that I get to create a world. I create this world’s physics. I create this world’s origin story. And I create who and what populates this world. Heck, I can even create the absolute destruction of this world! Think about that...

The Magic Of My Good Writing

The Magic Of My Good Writing

Where does the magic of my good writing come from? Well, in the picture above, do you see the wand on the chair? That’s Hermione Granger’s wand. It’s made from vine wood, and has a dragon heartstring core. Hermione used it to master the Levitation Charm in her first...

A Definition of Voice

I recently took a writing masterclass taught by the publisher Brooke Warner on finding your writer’s voice. She presented one definition of voice which initially didn’t make sense to me: Voice = Courage. But then she pointed out that the root of the word courage is...

Novel Advice

As a physician, I’ve often had to give advice to patients that they didn’t want to hear, but needed to hear. As a writer, in a recent conversation with an experienced agent, I found myself with the shoe on the other foot. I received advice about my debut novel that I...

The Morning Quiet

I love the morning quiet, the time just before sunrise, usually between 4:30 am and 5:30 am. At home at this time it's just me and my cat. I have my coffee and writing material, and he has his treat and bowl of wet food. Its simply lovely. Outside of the home this...

Seeing The World As a Writer

I recently heard an interview with the exceptional writer and teacher Charles Johnson, who made a comment which made such sense to me. He said (slightly paraphrased from memory): “I am not really comfortable calling writing a career or a job; rather, it's a way of...