My Weekly Hawaiian Writers Conference
I go to a writers conference every week, in Hawaii. How do I get there? I get there by walking into my front office, putting my "Do Not Disturb" sign on my home office door handle, sitting down at my desk, and finally clicking on the 4 pm Zoom link for the weekly...

The Joy of Yellow Legal Pads
Yellow legal pads are one of my favorite writing tools. I even like shopping for them. I think it’s because of their pure, untouched potential. I wonder how many ideas have been created on legal pads? How many of them have been great, how many have been average, and...
My Most Important Post in May
My most important blog post I wrote in May? Trust is aVector. I think conceptualizing trust as a vector—and conceptualizing trust between people and organizations (in both real life and through digital means) as a vector field—offers huge potential for understanding...

Paper, Pencil, And a Cup of Coffee
I enjoy playing with my various mind-mapping software programs, my reminder lists, my calendar system and my organizational management software—all which are synchronized via the cloud between all of my devices. However, when I need my best focus (usually with goal...

Branded Hashtags
Do you see that little jet emoji at the end of the #TopGun hashtag in the photograph above? That custom emoji creates what’s called a branded hashtag, and it’s what large corporations will use to draw a little extra attention to that hashtag. I remember the first time...
Depp, Heard, LawTube, And Digital Trust Networks
This past month, I’ve watched some of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard defamation trial on YouTube. I’ve seen enough of the testimony to form an opinion of the case, but as I believe the only meaningful opinion that counts is that of the jurors, I won’t be opining here on...

Reading Prefaces
Here’s a quote from the Preface to Fowler’s Modern English Usage (the link is to the most recent edition, with the new title Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage): The mystery remains: why has this schoolmasterly, quixotic, idiosyncratic, and somewhat...
The Dangerous “Fun” of The Writers Conferences
I love going to writers conferences. There are usually composed of a lot of smart, interesting people talking about a lot of smart interesting things. They are an intellectual playground of the highest order, and they are a high point on my yearly schedule....

One of My Reference Books
One of the books I am currently reading right now (or, more accurately, referencing) is Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest, by Ella Clark, initially published in 1953. It’s one of the books I have at home on the subject of Pacific Northwest Native American...
An Interesting Fact About Ravens
The raven is a symbol and a character (through the power of artificial intelligence and quantum computing) in the novel I’m writing. Because of this, I find myself running across interesting facts during my research on ravens. Here’s one: Did you know that a flock of...