Lessons From My Cat: Finding Delight
My cat, Roo, finds delight in the simplest of things: a peacock feather, a thrown Temptation, a little bit of grass, a box to sleep in, and a cat tree to jump from. Now, for me, the foundation of a life well-lived means a life of purpose, a life of meaning. But...
My Blog is Boring
My wife thinks my blog is boring. She thinks it’s too unfocused to attract a consistent readership, and too idiosyncratic to keep them. She’s also pretty sure it will never attract a large readership. In other words, from a digital business perspective, she thinks...

My Odd Relationship With My Disabled Parking Pass
I have an odd relationship with my temporary disabled parking pass. On the one hand, two weeks out from my hip surgery, it's very useful. Because disabled parking spaces have a good buffer of space on the sides of my car, it allows me to swing my door wide open,...
Knowing vs. Doing
Knowing how to eat well is one thing; eating well is another.Knowing to save for a rainy day in one thing; saving for a rainy day is another.Knowing to exercise every day is one thing; getting up at six a.m. to go for a walk is another. Knowing I have to do something...
My Rookie Tweeting Mistake
I've tweeted over 16,400 times, yet I continue to make a rookie mistake: I post a comment to a tweet I am interested in, and then, 1-2 minutes later, I delete it. Why did I originally write the comment? Usually because it's a topic I am fired up about. But then why...
My Two Week Hip Replacement Update
As I write this post, I am exactly two weeks out from my hip replacement. Although it's a big surgery (and no surgery, let alone a big one, is an enjoyable experience) the post-op course has been smooth. I've needed no pain medicines other than the occasional Tylenol,...
The Joy of Standing Pain-Free
The day after my hip replacement—for the first time in 2 years—I was able to stand up in the kitchen pain-free. Sure, I had some post-op bruising and swelling around my hip so it wasn't comfortable, but the arthritic pain (the pain within the joint) was 100% gone. I...
Ikigai and Discarding “The Big Idea”?
I have “The Big Idea.” It is how to inexpensively scale healthcare digital trust networks to address multiple regional public health concerns. Simply put, robust healthcare digital trust networks could regionally reduce the mortality of such public health concerns as...
Is vs. Has
Is obese vs. has obesity. Is diabetic vs. has diabetes. Is hypertensive vs. has hypertension. Is pregnant vs. has a fetus. Is ill vs. has an illness. There much talk about words and grammar within healthcare, and for the most part I think it's all to the good....
As I write this, I'm on post-op day 10 of my left hip replacement and I've reached a small plateau in my walking. I've moved from walker to cane yesterday, but I'm not yet seeing the progress I want. I have to remember from my climbing days—both for my hip rehab and...