Lessons From My Cat: Finding Delight

Lessons From My Cat: Finding Delight

My cat, Roo, finds delight in the simplest of things: a peacock feather, a thrown Temptation, a little bit of grass, a box to sleep in, and a cat tree to jump from. Now, for me, the foundation of a life well-lived means a life of purpose, a life of meaning. But...

My Blog is Boring

My wife thinks my blog is boring. She thinks it’s too unfocused to attract a consistent readership, and too idiosyncratic to keep them. She’s also pretty sure it will never attract a large readership. In other words, from a digital business perspective, she thinks...

Knowing vs. Doing

Knowing how to eat well is one thing; eating well is another.Knowing to save for a rainy day in one thing; saving for a rainy day is another.Knowing to exercise every day is one thing; getting up at six a.m. to go for a walk is another. Knowing I have to do something...

My Rookie Tweeting Mistake

I've tweeted over 16,400 times, yet I continue to make a rookie mistake: I post a comment to a tweet I am interested in, and then, 1-2 minutes later, I delete it. Why did I originally write the comment? Usually because it's a topic I am fired up about. But then why...

The Joy of Standing Pain-Free

The day after my hip replacement—for the first time in 2 years—I was able to stand up in the kitchen pain-free. Sure, I had some post-op bruising and swelling around my hip so it wasn't comfortable, but the arthritic pain (the pain within the joint) was 100% gone. I...

Is vs. Has

Is obese vs. has obesity. Is diabetic vs. has diabetes. Is hypertensive vs. has hypertension. Is pregnant vs. has a fetus. Is ill vs. has an illness. There much talk about words and grammar within healthcare, and for the most part I think it's all to the good....


As I write this, I'm on post-op day 10 of my left hip replacement and I've reached a small plateau in my walking. I've moved from walker to cane yesterday, but I'm not yet seeing the progress I want. I have to remember from my climbing days—both for my hip rehab and...