Pivoting My Physician Ikigai

As a physician, my ikigai has always been solid. It's an activity the world certainly needs and is willing to pay for. It's also something I am skilled at doing. And, finally, because it was a chance to talk with and help interesting people every day, it's something I...

A Potential 2022 Art Project?

It’s the end of the year—a time to play with new ideas for next year. And one of the ideas I have is for an art project, or more specifically, a poetry project: Create a large-scale poetic work based on the Manhattan Project. I haven’t yet decided on the form....

Ikigai and My “Passion”

When it comes to choosing a career path, I am not fond of the word “passion.” Taken for the Oxford English Dictionary, here are some of its definitions: As a mass noun: strong or overpowering feeling or emotion.A fit, outburst, or state marked by or of strong...

LinkedIn and Corporate Ikigai

Years ago, at a social media healthcare conference, I gave a presentation on the use of corporate ikigai. Using a Venn Diagram representation of corporate ikigai (the point of overlap of corporate mission and corporate capabilities with customer wants and community...

Career Languish and Ikigai

Here are several of the Oxford English Dictionary’s definitions of the verb to languish: Of a person, animal, or plant: to decline in health; to weaken, wither, or become faint; to exist in a state of weakness or illness.To live in an oppressive or dispiriting place,...

Creating Slack

Slack is an interesting word with multiple meanings, but when it's about creating slack in my blogging schedule, I like the following definition: An interval of comparative inactivity; a lull in business or in action of any kind.O.E.D. This last week I went on an...

My First Ikigai Misfire

My first ikigai misfire was the selection of my undergraduate major: Mechanical Engineering. I was the youngest of three children. All of us were exceptionally good students, all with 4.0 GPAs. My sister, four years my senior, went on to law schools in both England...