Blogging Advice From a Man Named Elwyn
From Strunk and White’s fifth chapter (the chapter written by Elwyn Brooks White): Clarity. Clarity. Clarity….When you say something, make sure you have said it. The chances of your having said it are only fair.The Elements of Style V.16 This fifth chapter, An...

Spiderwebs and Blueberries Haiku
Weaved blueberry patch? “Strength, Beauty, and Function,” says the architect. Vitruvius believed the architect should focus on three things in the design of a building, but I think these elements can (and should?) be applied to everything from creating code to a...

Chorus Line Haiku
Chorus line of Pampas They call you a noxious weed I call you lovely.

Autumn Leaf Haiku
Leaf edges fraying An umbilical cord stem Light’s highway inward.

How To Torture Your Wife
Step 1: Take 50 black and white photographs of Mother Nature, then carefully edit. Check ✔︎. Step 2: Write 50 haikus based on each photo.25 down, 25 to go. 50% checked ✔︎. (Who can possibly forget my Leaves And Fractals Haiku, the breathtaking Sea Bubbles Haiku, and...

Is Using The EHR To Identify New Business Ethical?
No, says the Deontologist. Yes, says the Utilitarian. Consider the following question: We know that bariatric surgery offers significant benefits to patients with diabetes and obesity. These benefits include a 68% lower cardiovascular mortality. (Ref: Association...

White Flower Haiku
White summer flower, Expansive petals waiting! Buzzing bee comes soon.

Thorn Bubble Haiku
A bubble of thorns shouts, “Stay away from my fruit— pricks and jabs await.”
My Person-to-Person Communication Hierarchy
Here;s my hierarchy—from best to worst—for the efficient transfer of information between two people who don’t know each other well: Face-to-face conversation (Best!).Phone conversation. ↓ Email. ↓ Text messaging (Worst!). The gaps I placed above between phone/email...

Re-listening to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
As I’ve blogged about before (Considering How I Read to Help Inform How I Write), I “read” different types of books using different technologies with my car CD player being mostly used for self-help-type content. Well, in this category one of my favorite audiobooks is...