Why I Don’t Pilot 777s

Why I Don’t Pilot 777s

Whenever I fly from London to Seattle, I usually end up on a British Airways Boeing 777. The flights are for the most part uneventful, but invariably about three-quarters of the way over the Atlantic, we usually experiences some turbulence. I dislike turbulence, so...

Rocks In Water Haiku

Rocks In Water Haiku

Rocks wearing away Water relentlessly flows With its sparkling. I clearly remember taking this photo about 4 years ago, up in the mountains, on a cool, clear morning. Isn't it odd how a camera and a few words can capture a moment in time?

Finding Your Creative Lobster

Finding Your Creative Lobster

In a discussion on spirituality, the philosopher and poet John O’Donohue translated a Gaelic expression of the Irish fishermen “Is fánach an áit a gheobfá gliomach” into: "'It is in the unexpected or neglected place that you will find the lobster.'" Although intended...

The 130-Hour Work-Week?

The 130-Hour Work-Week?

There has recently been some mild controversy in the investment banking community about the role of the 130-hour work-week for their junior employees, with some of the old guard thinking this is just fine—based, I believe, on the principle “I did it, so you should...

Deciding vs. Committing

Etymologically, a decision is: A noun of action from past-participle stem of decidere "to decide, determine," literally "to cut off," from de "off" (see de-) + caedere "to cut."etymologyonline.com Whereas a commitment, based on the word commit, means: "To give in...