Clouds Haiku

Clouds Haiku

Light breaks through the clouds—Now black and white marshmallows—Drizzle is coming. For the several days, I am going to be posting more of my photography + haiku. I am doing this as a change of pace, and to help me move towards one of my yearly goals: writing and...

My Mentor?

Here’s the definition of a mentor, from the Oxford English Dictionary: Originally (in form Mentor): a person who acts as guide and adviser to another person, esp. one who is younger and less experienced. Later, more generally: a person who offers support and guidance...

I Am Blogging About Too Many Topics

I Am Blogging About Too Many Topics

My blog has 55 topics. From a marketing perspective, this is too many, especially since many of these topics are unrelated. However, my principal blogging goal this year is to develop the habit of blogging daily (which—not incidentally—requires me to share my writing...