On Blogging: Diversity of Ideas vs. Focus
The case for diversity in the workforce is quite overwhelming, but how about the case for diversity of ideas within an individual blog? For example, consider my blog, which currently has 54 Topic Categories. I have Categories ranging from AI Ethics, Healthcare Ethics,...

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!
“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail.”― Henry David Thoreau, Walden My old watch is a beat-up Rolex, but,...

On Blogging
When blogging, often less is more.

How Does The Earth See You?
I heard an interesting question raised by the Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue: How does the Earth see you? You see, we (humans) spend all of our time asking questions about the various ways in which the planet can provide for us. It's all about how we see...
The “Winner-Take-All” Mentality of Twitter
Consider this quote (italics mine) by the writer Roy Peter Clark: In a debate, one side listens only to find a counterargument. In a conversation, there is give and take. A debate ends with a winner and a loser. A conversation can conclude with both sides learning,...

Thanks to AI, I Discovered I Am 34 Years Old Again!
Several years ago I was able to use IBM’s Watson Personality Insights to analyze my personality based on how I use Twitter (see IBM’s Watson Artificial Intelligence Analysis of My Personality). It contained both positives (You are philosophical: you are open to and...

May’s Best Blog Post?
May was a good month for me: Thirty-one posts on a variety of subjects, ranging from infinite games, Sun Tzu, and Chaucer to wicked problems, Covid battlefield topology, and healthcare data ownership. But the my best post in my judgement? (Or, at least my most...

Writers: Beware The Watcher!
Limit self-criticism in early drafts. This is the title chapter of Roy Peter Clark’s 48th tool, from his book on craftsmanship, Writing Tools, 55 Essential Strategies For Every Writer, and it was where I was introduced to an exceptional essay by Gail Godwin about...

If You Have Vigorous Health, Then Do The Vigorous Things
Here's a photo of myself from about 12 years ago, when I had what I call (at least for myself) vigorous health. The mountain in the background is called Mailbox Peak. It's about 30 minutes east of downtown Seattle, and, because it’s 4000 feet of “straight up,” without...

Health Insurance ≠ Healthcare
Here’s my health insurance company’s stated purpose: Improving customers' lives by making healthcare work better. They are a good company, and for the most part, I have received good service. But two points. First, from their perspective, I am a customer, not a...