My Book Template: A History of PI

My Book Template: A History of PI

The book A History of PI by Petr Beckmann (1971) is what I call a role-model book, the type of book I would love to write myself. Apart from giving a nice step by step history of the mathematics behind pi, starting with Mesopotamia and ending with the current period...

Deep Reading

Deep Reading

What is deep reading? Here are some definitions mined from the internet: Deep reading is the active process of thoughtful and deliberate reading carried out to enhance one's comprehension and enjoyment of a text. Richard Nordquist (ThoughtCo) Deep reading, also called...

The Word “Hesitancy”

The Word “Hesitancy”

Whenever I run across controversies around words, a common occurrence now thanks to social media, I tend not to weigh in too quickly, if at all; rather, I like to start with the basics—the word’s etymology and dictionary definition. Take the word hesitancy. In the...