My Book Template: A History of PI
The book A History of PI by Petr Beckmann (1971) is what I call a role-model book, the type of book I would love to write myself. Apart from giving a nice step by step history of the mathematics behind pi, starting with Mesopotamia and ending with the current period...

Very Few Things Are Black and White
The more Black & White photography I shoot the more I realize how rare it is to have a photograph that has something which truly all black or truly all white. Nearly everything is simply a different shade of gray.

Definitions: Healthcare’s Rabbit Hole
One of my long-term writing goals is to write a treatise on the ethics of AI in healthcare. But to pursue this I realized I had to first clarify what I meant by healthcare, which then led me to consider the definition of health, and finally, so I can recognize a good...

Deep Reading
What is deep reading? Here are some definitions mined from the internet: Deep reading is the active process of thoughtful and deliberate reading carried out to enhance one's comprehension and enjoyment of a text. Richard Nordquist (ThoughtCo) Deep reading, also called...

The Word “Hesitancy”
Whenever I run across controversies around words, a common occurrence now thanks to social media, I tend not to weigh in too quickly, if at all; rather, I like to start with the basics—the word’s etymology and dictionary definition. Take the word hesitancy. In the...

How I Capture Ideas For My Blog
For my blog, idea capture is not one of my weaknesses. I have a running list of over one hundred ideas for blog topics at any given time (117 as of this morning), which I can dive into whenever I want. Whenever I have an idea for a blog topic I activate Siri on my...

Anti-Stuff vs. My Montblanc Pens And Pencil
I don't like most “stuff”. Stuff costs money, clutters up space, and, worst of all, expends both energy and time. Heck, for me, the more stuff I have, the poorer I am. However, there are exceptions. There is some stuff which I like—stuff which I use every day, stuff...

The Cost of Virtual Visits, and Healthcare’s Low-Hanging Fruit
One thing I like about blueberries is that they are easy to pick. Why? Because they are low-hanging fruit. But when large healthcare institutions use combinations of AI and virtual visits to pick off the low hanging fruit of healthcare (such things as sore throats,...

Narrow Technical Expertise in AI and AI Ethics Committees
To develop deep technical expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) requires years of study and practice. It requires a solid background in mathematics and experience with programming, and it requires practical experience (and time) using these skills with large data...

Sloppiness – My Writing Habit Easiest to Fix
I have strengths and weaknesses as a writer. I won’t write about my strengths; it comes across as arrogant and self-serving. However, I will occasionally share my weaknesses, especially as a try to tackle them. And my weakness which is most easily? corrected? Sloppy...