Healthcare CEOs: Don’t Let Your Physicians Retire Without a Fight
Rather, give them the option of pivoting. Here's a story to consider. Most physicians have an informal network of physician colleagues who are their go-to resource for complex patient issues. And my pediatric go-to expert? A very smart pediatrician in his early 60s...

Health and The Definition of Definitions
I was part of a recent online discussion about obesity and health when it became quite clear that by not first agreeing on the definition of obesity and the definition of health, the conversation was going to be a dead end. There are multiple definitions available for...

My Digital Phenotype—According to Amazon
Who does Amazon think I am? (Or, at least, what does Amazon’s AI algorithm think I will buy?) The above screenshot is a visual list of the digital magazines which Amazon thinks I will be interested in, all found at the bottom of my Amazon account page. They aren’t too...

The Joy of Stapling
There is a visceral pleasure with stapling together papers. I pull individual pages of an article off the printer. I align them and angle them carefully under the “crimp area” of the stapler. Then I do a two-part press of the stapler. The first movement is slow and...

On Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw puzzles make a great metaphor for life's journey. For example, they can represent life’s chaos, which can be tempered by first establishing the cornerstones of one’s character (the corners), building good habits and daily structure (the border), being organized...

Knowing Thyself—A Good or Bad Thing?
Here’s a rather long quote from Plato. Pay particular attention to the part at the end I highlighted: Socrates: I might have a rational explanation that Orithyia was playing with Pharmacia, when a northern gust carried her over the neighboring rocks; and this being...

Enterprise AI: Designing For Serendipity?
Recently I attended an Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning Conference where one of the tracts was on AI for Enterprise. Within this tract, there was a Google talk on using AI to optimize employees seating to maximize useful connections between each other. Although...

When Does a Physician Become a Writer?
I didn't become a writer when I started my blog. I didn't become a writer after my 50th blog post, my 100th blog post. I didn't become a writer after I got paid for my writing. I didn't become a writer after my 4th writing conference. Nor did I become a writer after...

A Blacksmith’s Guide for Aspiring Wordsmiths
As an aspiring wordsmith, the “wikiHow advice for becoming a blacksmith" is a great outline: Read books about the profession and art of blacksmithing.Take classes.Take more advanced metalwork classes.Start building your own blacksmithing setupJoin ABANA (Artists...

Breaking the Rules For Fun
I took the two Black & White photographs above at Seattle’s Magnuson Park, where there is a Fin Art Sculpture installation by John T. Young. (If you get a chance, you have to watch his 25-minutes fabulous You Call That Art?! YouTube video!) In the first photo, I...