Children, Digital Screen Time, and Cognitive Development – A Reference
Have you ever been interested in what the research shows about the effect of digital screen time on children’s brains? The recent peer reviewed Pediatrics article Digital Screen Media and Cognitive Development is well worth a 20 minute read, and is also a good...
Physicians as Practical Ethicists
Most physicians have no interest in the theoretical aspects of ethics. Walk into the physician’s lounge at a hospital ( those that still have them), and start discussing Kant’s Categorical Imperative, or Nietzsche’s poetic reflections about individual moral...
Social Media, Physicians, and Too Many Choices
Start with Twitter. There you go. I said it. LinkedIn. Blogs. Podcasting. YouTube. Facebook. Instagram. SnapChat. Periscope. Vlogging. Livestreams. Forums.... The menu for digital social engagement goes on and on, - it's reminiscent of a menu at Red Robin, the first...
Be a Digital Physician-Citizen? Be Considerate, Careful and Conscious.
I personally avoid two subjects on my own digital platform - politics and religion. I do this consciously, not because I don't have views or opinions, but because my views and opinions are so strong that if I engage online then I will draw significant negative...
Why Healthcare Marketing Departments Need a Medical Director
Most healthcare organizations will have some combination of a mission statement, a core principles statement, or a values statement , and invariably, when you look at these, there will be significant attention placed on the improved health or quality of life of their...
Physician: Go Thou and Blog For Thyself, Not Others
Although it's common to say "write for the reader", I believe this rule doesn't uniformly apply to blogging. Certainly it's important to have empathy for the reader. Use correct grammar and correct punctuation, and make your sentences simple and clear. Strunk and...
What Physicians Can Offer the Artificial Intelligence Developer Community
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) penetrates healthcare more and more, it does pose the question: What can physicians offer? Certainly some AI approaches depend upon domain expertise, and physicians will contribute at this level, but is there something more? AI is an...
ReachNow: What BMW Can Teach Healthcare About Innovation
Several days ago I attended a Tech Talk and at Bellevue College by Ron West, an engineering manager from ReachNow- a leading edge car sharing service from BMW, located in Seattle, Portland, and Brooklyn. The talk was broad, and we touched upon topics ranging from the...

The Immutable Law of Social Media
Take a look at the graph above, which shows some of my recent Twitter statistics. Do you see how the gray bars on the bottom (# of Tweets) are related to the blue bars at the top (# of Impressions)? This reflects The Immutable Law of Social Media: Effort in = ...
The Healthcare 3.0 Tsunami is coming; Start Building Your Raft
Natural disasters - even Tsunamis - from Mother Natures perspective are not such bad thing. Tsunamis may help regain beach diversity, and just think : No volcanos = No Hawaii! Now, if you are living on a human time scale , and living on a beach - hmmm, that is a...