Physician Blogging 101: The Joy of Posting Daily.
Over the last month I posted 36 posts in 31 days: 1.16 posts per day. A post a day, after the first week, can easily turn become a chore, but in my case it never became one. Here are my three insights into how I avoided this. First, I developed a frictionless system...
What Doctors Can Learn from Bill Gates : Changing your Ikigai
In one of my first blog posts, Physician: Know thy ikigai? Then Know thy Twitter, I introduced the concept of ikigai.. It can be modeled, roughly, as the confluence of what you love to do, what you have the ability to do, what the world needs, and what the world...
Amazon, Apple et al. Are they moral?
(et al. - from the latin et alia (neuter pleural), st alii (masculine plural), and et alii (feminine pleural) meaning “and others”.) The Big 4+1 are (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, & Google) + Microsoft. These are the tech giants which will be dominating the digital...
Health Insurance or Healthcare? The Difference is Critical
Health insurance or healthcare: What's the difference? My blog is devoted to discussing the relationship between Health, and Healthcare 2.0/ 3.0 technologies. To do this it's necessary to have a handle on the definitions of health and healthcare. Now, I'm going to...
What Paris can Teach Doctors about Twitter
Above is a photo that my father took of me one morning, years ago, as we walked around the streets of Paris. It’s around this time I learned something quite important. You see, Americans struggle a little bit with Paris. They know there is something special about...
Healthcare CEOs: Be Honest – Tweet Thyself
It's one thing for your healthcare organization to have an organizational twitter account. Consumers of these tweets expect the content from these tweets is coming from an anonymous source within the organization; there is also an expectation it’s going to be...
Should Healthcare CEOs be on Twitter?
I had an interesting discussion the other day about whether or not Healthcare CEOs should be on Twitter. Of course they should. Lets get right down to it. Right now, healthcare exists in a mixture of a 1.0 and 2.0 Universe. By this I mean healthcare organizations have...
Who Is More Valuable: The Physical You or the Digital You?
Who's more valuable: the digital you or the physical you? At first glance the answer to this may seem trivial. Of course the real you (and the real me) are far more valuable than the digital you (and the digital me). But before we accept this answer let's dive into...
Blockchain in Healthcare – Health 3.0’s Orphan
One way to think of Health 3.0 is as a conglomeration of several technologies: Big Data Artificial Intelligence (AI) The Internet of Things (IoTs) The Semantic Web Block Chain For Physicians Big Data is reasonably easy to conceptualize. We are use to thinking in...
The New Field of Data Ethics
Here is a quote taken from the 2016 Royal Society Publishing Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences paper What is Data Ethics: “…data ethics can be defined as the branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral...