Judging A Pizza (Book) by It’s Box (Cover)

Judging A Pizza (Book) by It’s Box (Cover)

There's an old saying: Don't judge a book by its cover. For the most part—when it comes to people—I think this holds true. But when it comes to books (and pizzas) the cover (box) is probably the strongest indicator of the content inside. Why? Because the quality of...

Laptop Stickers

Laptop Stickers

The stickers placed on a person’s go-to laptop—or the lack of them—tells you a little something about the user. I'm hoping mine suggest a sense of intellectual and creative playfulness.

Negativity, Disinformation, And Twitter Networks

We know that false news spread faster than true stories online ( Study: On Twitter, false news travels faster than true stories). We also know that negativity spreads faster than positivity online (Outrage Spreads Faster on Twitter: Evidence from 44 News Outlets). So,...

The Danger of Curiosity

There are so many things I’m curious about, that I want to learn about, that I want to read. A short list: I want to study theories of causality. I want to learn Ancient Greek. I want to read all of Nietzsche. I want to be familiar with each of Plato’s works. I want...

Caution: Misattributing Quotes

I love the quote: You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.Plato The only problem is, there's no proof that he ever said or wrote these words. ( For more info about this, check out the excellent blog post by The Quote...

On Favorite Things

On Favorite Things

I bought the leather bookmark (shown in the photo above) while I was in London over two decades ago. It’s one of my favorite bookmarks. I can’t really explain why. It’s not very functional as a bookmark. It tends to stick on the page when I move it. It's also not...