Being Late

There’s only one reason for being late to a meeting: poor planning. That’s why I see it as a sign of disrespect towards the person (or persons) I committed to meeting: they weren’t worth the effort to plan for carefully. Simply put, I see being late...

I’m All In

The words “I’m all in” when discussing one’s career are easy to say, but hard to implement. These words don’t just mean putting all your efforts towards learning and practicing a craft. They also mean not doing quite a few other things—things such as going on...

Career Change and Patience

A significant career change requires two elements: letting go of the old and adopting the new. The first time I did this was when I went from engineer to physician at the age of 28. Even then, with the help of a “change architecture”—my medical school—it took a solid...

On Going To Conferences

For the moment, we are in a CoVid lull, and in-person conferences (both medical and writing) are back. I have found attending in-person medical conferences has usually involved some blending of three purposes: to learn, to connect, and to have fun. There was usually...