The Dangerous Deification of STEM

Let's consider these quotes about scientists from Nietzsche's Essay, David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer: An honest natural scientist believes that the world conforms unconditionally to laws, without however asserting anything as to the ethical or intellectual...

Why I Love My Blog

Looking at my blog critically, I can say the following things: The content is average, with only rare (once per month?) moments of deep insight.The writing is average.Taken as a whole, it is unfocused. So, with all of this mediocrity going on, why do I love my blog?...

Physicians, Providers, and… Prescribers?

I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is there seems to be a turn away from using the term “Providers” for physicians. The bad news? The new term may be “prescribers.” (Check out the recruiting page for Cerebral). Think about what this implies about...

When Telemedicine is a Good Idea

Telemedicine is a good idea early in a pandemic when a vaccine doesn’t exist. This saves the lives of both healthcare staff and patients. Telemedicine is a good idea for a patient stationed in Antarctica where the next available face-to-face visit is six months away....

iPhone Writing

iPhone Writing

I am trying to improve my writing volume by increasing my ability to “write anywhere, anytime.” One component of this is to write more frequently using Ulysses software (my rough draft word processing app software of choice) on my iPhone since my iPhone is the one...