The Problem Of AI And The Problem Of Heidegger
Everywhere we remain unfree and chained to technology, whether we passionately affirm or deny it. But we are delivered over to it in the worst possible way when we regard it as something neutral; for this conception of it, to which today we particularly like to pay...

Knowing What’s In Something?
Here's a photo I took of the last plane I flew in, heading to a medical advisory board meeting for a healthcare digital startup in San Francisco. Now, take a close look at the wing. Thanks to my prior engineering and physics degrees, I have a pretty good feel for the...

My Aspirational Principles
For the past decade, every Sunday morning, I do a weekly review. It’s based on an organizational system called “Getting Things Done” (GTD) created by David Allen. During this weekly review, which is focused mostly on the nuts and bolts level of prioritizing individual...

Tweeting To Destroy
If you want your writing to convey enjoyment, write about people you respect. Writing to destroy and to scandalize can be as destructive to the writer as it is to the subject.William Zinsser—On Writing Well I like this quote, and I like it even more if I edit it to...
Sun Tzu, CoVid, And Healthcare Executives
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”―...

Twitter As A Proxy Metric For Institutional Digital Trust
As I discussed in my blog post Trust and Digital Trust, I have defined digital trust between institutions as follows: Digital Trust of Institution B by Institution A is the act of using Institution A’s digital assets and platform to amplify Institution’s B message to...

Some Excellent Secondhand Creativity Advice
In one of my go-to inspirational books The Writer’s Image, the photographer Jill Krementz describes some advice she received from one of her colleagues: But the person who really taught me the most about photography was Ira Rosenberg, another staff writer at the...
My Most Important Blog Post in April
Although my most interesting blog post in April was When Mathematics And Physics Meet (after all, everyone likes a post about the highest levels of scientific thought), my most important post was Definitions and Essentialism: Plato. Its importance isn’t based on it...

Joy At Work and GTD
On a recent set of road trips from Seattle to Wenatchee to get our Covid vaccinations, my wife and I had the pleasure en route of listening to Marie Kondo’s audiobook Joy At Work. For those of you who don’t know her, Ms. Kondo is a Japanese tidying expert whose...
I Am An Average Writer
I am an average writer. I am comfortable saying this for two reasons. First, I say it because it is true. There are some things which I do well, and there are some things which I do poorly. Writing, for me, is neither. Second, I say it because I aspire to become a...