Knowing What’s In Something?

Knowing What’s In Something?

Here's a photo I took of the last plane I flew in, heading to a medical advisory board meeting for a healthcare digital startup in San Francisco. Now, take a close look at the wing. Thanks to my prior engineering and physics degrees, I have a pretty good feel for the...

Tweeting To Destroy

Tweeting To Destroy

If you want your writing to convey enjoyment, write about people you respect. Writing to destroy and to scandalize can be as destructive to the writer as it is to the subject.William Zinsser—On Writing Well I like this quote, and I like it even more if I edit it to...

Joy At Work and GTD

Joy At Work and GTD

On a recent set of road trips from Seattle to Wenatchee to get our Covid vaccinations, my wife and I had the pleasure en route of listening to Marie Kondo’s audiobook Joy At Work. For those of you who don’t know her, Ms. Kondo is a Japanese tidying expert whose...

I Am An Average Writer

I am an average writer. I am comfortable saying this for two reasons. First, I say it because it is true. There are some things which I do well, and there are some things which I do poorly. Writing, for me, is neither. Second, I say it because I aspire to become a...