Going Fungal

Going Fungal

As I have discussed before (Herodotus and Why should Physicians Should Avoid “Going Viral”), I am no fan of professionals—especially physicians—going viral. But I do like the idea of “going fungal”. It’s a slow, steady, and consistent growth strategy, relatively...

Affect, Effect, And Impact

Affect, Effect, And Impact

Although, like most physicians, I fancy myself a writer, I will never fancy myself a good writer until I have mastered the table above, and have forever excised the verb form of the word impact from my writing for everything other than boxing matches and car crashes.

Why I Tweet Photos of My Cat

Why I Tweet Photos of My Cat

Most of what I write and tweet about are superficially boring topics to most people. This is intentional. For example, although I happen to have fairly stable political and ethical opinions, and although I spend quite a lot of intellectual energy and capital...

The Animosity Towards BigX

The Animosity Towards BigX

There does seem to be quite a lot of animosity out there towards BigX, where BigX includes BigPharma, BigGovernment, BigTech, BigTobacco, BigSugar, BigInsurance, BigHealth, BigAuto, BigAg, BigDefense,… All of these “BigXs” drift towards dehumanization and therefore...

My Top Blog for February

My Top Blog for February

One advantage of blogging daily is that just by sheer volume, I may hit pay dirt, at the end of each month I enjoy reviewing my 30ish blog posts to see where my intellectual shovel may have hit. In February, the choice is easy. My most important blog was "ΨMorality”,...