Writing for Medium – a Pre-Beginner’s Guide.
08There’s a pretty good chance I am going to start writing for Doximity’s Op-Ed section on the Medium platform within the next few weeks. In preparation for this, and thanks to some excellent advice and links from Dakota Shane, here are my pre-novice tips I have...
Digital Ethics and Children: Beyond HIPPA
As I prepare to go to a fundraising luncheon for a wonderful child-centric organization, and as I look at their website - full with many beautiful pictures and stories of the children they have helped - a question comes to mind: Who has the right to these digital...
Why eHealth Has Yet To Be Broadly Adopted
Three entities determine the success or failure of an organization’s eHealth initiative. The patients. Healthcare Professionals. Healthcare Administration. The article Factors Determining the Success and Failure of eHealth Interventions: Systematic Review of the...
What is Social Media?
What is Social Media? Social Media has so many different components and platforms I don't believe there is a good answer to this question - at least in the way this question is usually meant i.e. what is Social Media's essence. Don't get me wrong. There certainly are...
Why I (Usually) Don’t Love Social Media
People who know me often say that I just love social media and think everyone should be on it. I don't. In fact, for most people, most of the time, social media is best avoided. It can be distracting, cognitively limiting, and manipulative. It can damage careers and...
A Great Writing and Digital Platform Conference for Physicians
This week I am attending Writing, Publishing, and Social Media for Healthcare Professionals 2018, held in Boston each year. If you are a physician (or work in healthcare in any capacity), and you have a book project in mind, this is an exceptionally good conference....
The Value of Wandering
Today, I am wandering. Don't get me wrong. Usually I am all about plans. I love SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant , Timely). I use OmniFocus everyday. I do both a weekly and monthly review, when I review my projects list within the context of my...

A simple Setup for Great Social Media Video
Video is engaged with significantly more than both written and photo posts, sometimes by a factor of X10! This goes for tweets, too. Above is my setup for short video tweets and posts. Its certainly not very complicated, but it also does one other thing: it...
Avoiding Social Media Inauthenticity
People can smell inauthenticity in social media from a mile away. So: Be honest. Write, tweet, post, and blog simply and directly. Present your own insights. Credit other people. Have fun. Help others. That's about it.
What Healthcare can Learn From Netflix
We know that high tech digital companies, such as Amazon and Google, are positioning themselves to enter the healthcare market. Therefore, it is useful to to get a handle on how companies such as these think about their digital platforms. Here’s a good starting...