Connecting With Olivier Messiaen

The novel I’m working on—The Raven Singularity—has a plot connection to the composer Olivier Messiaen. So to help inspire me during my writing sessions, I am now frequently listening to his music. It’s quite odd, really. Years ago, when I first heard Messiaen, I...

Causation: One of My Twelve Problems

One of my “Twelve Problems” is the definition of causation (or the closely related question: What is causality?). I don’t think it’s an uncommon problem. It’s one I have run up against frequently as an engineer, as a physicist, as a...

Writing and Typing on the iPhone

As a physical writing device, I find my iPhone the least friendly for typing. For me, the keyboard is relatively unstable using two thumbs, especially on my writing app of choice—Ulysses. When I type, even the slightest thumb miss results in a large cursor movement to...