by Matthew Rehrl MD | Blogging
I nearly broke my +500 daily blogging streak today, believing I was unable to write due to my post-operative surgical fatigue. But then I realized—that is the post!
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Healthcare Innovation
In the pre-op room, surgeons will sign the extremity they will be operating on to avoid the big mistake of operating on the contralateral (other, i.e. wrong!) extremity. In the photo above you can see is my surgeon’s signature just prior to a my left hip joint...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Mind
If I’m on my “Emotional A-Game” and someone is rude to me (cuts me off in traffic, is condescending, has a mean twitter comment, etc), then I’m able to approach them with a curiosity mindset: Why are they rude to me?What did I do to contribute to this?How are they...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing
Woo-woo is a term I’ve run across which I’ve heard people use about going over the top with a certain form of spirituality. I often see use it to describe writers and bloggers who refer to spiritual aspects of yoga, meditation, affirmations, prayer, muses, and the...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing
Reading is not writing. Both require sustained attention, both require skill with language, and both require an expenditure of intellectual energy. Yet even deep reading—with pencil and highlighter in hand, physically engaging with an article, poem, or book-—is mostly...