Is Tweeting Serious Writing?

Is Tweeting Serious Writing?

Is tweeting “serious writing”? If done intentionally, it certainly can be. A tweet with 280 characters can carry a haiku, a micro-poem, an insightful sentence, even a small paragraph. And sequential tweets can often contain complex stories. Also, emojis,...
Becoming a Writing Workhorse

Becoming a Writing Workhorse

When I look carefully at all of the successful authors I admire, I see a variety of techniques, skills, habits, strengths, and weaknesses. Some write in the morning, some in the evening. Some write daily, some in blocks of time. Some are plotters, some are pantsers....
Being Mostly Average

Being Mostly Average

I am average in most things. Most people are. Most of the time, just being average in most things is fine, because being average isn’t without benefits. For example, I was an average marathon runner, with my best time only 4:06, and an average mountain climber,...
My Ugly Photograph

My Ugly Photograph

I have posted dozens and dozens of black and white photographs on Flickr. Most of them were carefully composed. However, a photograph of a washed-out volleyball court at night (the one shown above), which I took as a quick snapshot (taken to get a sense of how my new...