The All of Us Program, part of the Precision Medicine Initiative, is currently beta testing and will be ramping up in 2018.

So what is it?

Basically, it is a program which intends to develop a cohort of over 1 million participants to track and correlate  various health, lifestyle and genetic information over time.

Put another way, it is our government’s entry point into Big Data and Healthcare.

There are many things i like about this program and one or two I dislike.

My principle attraction is that it is a government program of the NIH, so the motivation is for the good of the citizenry, rather than the profitability of a single corporation.

My one initial downside observation?  Although there is a section on privacy policy, I haven’t yet found a deep ethical vector contained in this program; by this I mean its not clear to me they have an understanding of health in the human context or as something beyond  just a disease free state.

Anyway, this program is a big deal and it is certainly worth following.

When you get a chance, check it out.