by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity
In November 2019, I completed NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s an online non-profit, in which thousands of people from all over the world endeavor to complete a +50,000 word rough draft of a novel in one month—the month of November. My...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Healthcare Innovation
Ideas are a dime a dozen. Good ideas? Maybe one in a hundred. Great ideas? Once a year. THE idea? Once in a lifetime – if you are lucky. Having ideas is an intuitive process, one with an element of randomness. Certainly, this intuition and randomness can be...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Healthcare Innovation
Eggs are just eggs, right? Well, no – not according to Vital Farms. They call their eggs “Ethical Eggs”, which are created by their “girls” (that is, hens) each having over 108 square feet to roam free. But how do I know this? Because with every egg crate,...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity
Like most physicians, I have a “Wall of Knowledge”; a collection of various undergraduate, graduate and medical degrees, decorated with various board certifications and advanced education certificates. On the one hand, I am proud of these awards. Each...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Ikigai
In a prior post “Physician: Know Thy ikigai? Then Know Thy Twitter” I discuss ikigai: The confluence of passion and ability with something the world needs and for which something the world will pay you for. Well, mix ikigai in a little innovation and what...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Social Media, Twitter
Owly is the Hootsuite mascot; a simple piece of swag. But at the last social media conference I went to (Social Media Camp in Victoria BC, one of Canada’s largest social media conferences), it actually appears to be a little more. You see, at the conference,...