It’s a Live Track!

It’s a Live Track!

I took the photograph above about a year ago on what I thought was an abandoned railroad bridge. However, about 2 minutes after taking this picture, a train came from behind me, crossing the bridge! If I had still been on the bridge, and if I hadn’t seen or...
My Ugly Photograph

My Ugly Photograph

I have posted dozens and dozens of black and white photographs on Flickr. Most of them were carefully composed. However, a photograph of a washed-out volleyball court at night (the one shown above), which I took as a quick snapshot (taken to get a sense of how my new...
Releasing The Inner Kraken

Releasing The Inner Kraken

One downside of reading Nietzsche is that it makes me take stock of my creative architecture, especially in regards to the balance and conflict of its two hemispheres: The Apolline and the Dionysiac. For Nietzsche, Apollo represents moderation, sculpture, illusion,...