The Definition of “Story”

The Definition of “Story”

At a recent online event at the Burke Museum, I attended a wonderful talk, The Lifeways and Stories reflected in Guests from the Great River, by the Native American artist Tony A. (naschio) Johnson (Chinook). Apart from describing his work, prominently installed at...
Typing Speed, EHRs, and Dehumanization

Typing Speed, EHRs, and Dehumanization

As an employee, when you work with a computer in any capacity, you have agreed to all of your computer activity is being monitored. In theory, this is both reasonable and legal. It’s the corporation’s hardware and software and you should only use it as part of your...

EHR Ethics: It’s Not About HIPPA

Whenever discussions about electronic health records (EHRs) come up, HIPPA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is often trotted out as the end-all-be-all addressing privacy concerns. “Our software is HIPPA compliant,” answers the industry...