Radical Responsibility

Radical responsibility-taking responsibility for everything that has happened, is happening, or will happen to you–can be a valuable mindset for achieving success. Why? Because it strengthens the belief that you—and you alone—can create the life you want. But two...
Black, White, and Grey

Black, White, and Grey

Like the photo above, most creative decisions aren’t black and white. Most creative decisions are complex, nuanced, and grey. But the decision to commit to a project, to work hard, and to ship? That decision needs to be a yes or a no, black or white. A grey decision...

How I Use New Years’ Resolutions

Most people think New Year’s resolutions aren’t effective. Perhaps they are right, especially if they’re just something someone thinks up on December 31st, and then forgets by January 7th. But that’s not how I use them. What I do is twice a year—usually during...
My Three Cycles of Review

My Three Cycles of Review

I review my weekly goal list every day for a few minutes each morning. I review my yearly goal list every Sunday morning, to help me create my weekly goal list. This usually takes about half an hour. I review my life’s purpose list (yes, it is written down!) twice a...