by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry
Leaf edges fraying An umbilical cord stem Light’s highway inward.
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Photography, Poetry
Step 1: Take 50 black and white photographs of Mother Nature, then carefully edit. Check ✔︎. Step 2: Write 50 haikus based on each photo.25 down, 25 to go. 50% checked ✔︎. (Who can possibly forget my Leaves And Fractals Haiku, the breathtaking Sea Bubbles Haiku, and...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry
White summer flower, Expansive petals waiting! Buzzing bee comes soon.
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry
A bubble of thorns shouts, “Stay away from my fruit— pricks and jabs await.”
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry
Helios sets West, Life’s source saying “Goodnight, Earth” But one day “Goodbye.”
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry
Upward weaving branches— A competition for light, Forever tangled.