by Matthew Rehrl MD | Ikigai, Social Media, YouTube
I love learning about Social Media principles form my betters, and when it comes to Social Media, there are few people better than Katy Perry. 2 billion, 465 million, 849 thousand, and 832 views. Wow! That’s a lot of views. Remember ikigai – the...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media, Twitter
Lots of things to learn from the Tony Robbins – #MeToo Movement, but I’d like to focus on the idea around hashtag-based “Movements” both as a social technology which uses digital technology, vs. the hashtag digital technology itself. Consider the...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | CEOs on Twitter, Digital Platforms, Social Media
The Opioid Epidemic is a multi-faceted problem, and isn’t going to be solved by just one thing, but taking unused mediations of the street will help a little. April 28th 2018 is the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, which last year resulted in the take...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media, Social Media Ethics
After being inspired after watching an interview with Andrew Clarke, CMO of Mars, here’s a creative way Mars (the parent company of Wrigley, which is the parent company of Lifesavers) could use social media to save children’s lives AND improve their brand in...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Social Media, Uncategorized
My Top Three Design Tips for All Things Social Media in Healthcare: 1. Mobile first. 2. Mobile first. 3. Mobile first. Got it?
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Health, Healthcare 3.0, Social Media
For most people, most of the time, digital technology is unhealthy. By most people, I mean 95% of adults. If I meant children, it would be 99%. By most of the time, I mean 99%. By digital technology, I mean 1.0 technology – which includes TV, 2.0 technology...