
I started a new, significant writing project on Oct 1st. And now? I have “nerves.” Not quite the first day of medical school nerves—and not the first day of a 24/hour shift as an intern in a Level I Trauma Center nerves—but nerves all the same. Why? Because I know the...

My Default Answer is No

I have a well defined mission in my life, so when acquaintances ask me to do something, my default answer is generally no (unlikely when my wife asks me to do something, where my defat answer is yes). Unfortunately, when some people are persistent enough, a yes...
Happy Birthday Roo

Happy Birthday Roo

It was our cat Roo’s (short for Rousseau) birthday last week. He is now three years old! Roo, as a 6 week-old kitten, came in to our lives shortly after our 15 year-old cat Olivier died from nasal lymphoma. Our home was so quiet and sad after Olivier’s...