by Matthew Rehrl MD | Healthcare Revenue, Social Media, Twitter
The three obvious business reasons for a healthcare organization to master social media are: 1.Branding 2.Physician Recruiting, 3. New Patient Development. Most healthcare organizations see social media as strictly a BRANDING tool. The gatekeepers for it will be ...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Machine Learning, Twitter
In a recently published study Twitter-derived neighborhood characteristics associated with obesity and diabetes, by analyzing 422,094 tweets over one year from the state of Utah, there was a good demonstration of the predictive value of tweets to determine population...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media, Twitter, Twitter Ethics
For those people interested in ethical questions surrounding the use of Twitter for mental health monitoring, the 2015 study published in the BioMed Central Medical Ethics Journal titled Ethical issues in using Twitter for population-level depression monitoring: a...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Social Media, Twitter
Most healthcare websites integrate with their respective social media accounts by placing a link on their homepage. Often you can find them at the bottom of the page, with a colorful row of links. Click on one, and ‘bam” you are directed off the page. However,...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Facebook, LinkedIn, Social Media, Twitter, YouTube
Is social media becoming more important in medical research? Yes. The graph above depicts the number of references found using PUBMED, the leading medical research database. Although the total number of references/year (>450 for both Twitter and Facebook in 2017)...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Twitter, Twitter Lists
There are many good reasons for a physician to use Twitter. These range from being an entry point into social media in general, to following your organization’s tweets, to personal creative expression, and to generating revenue. But by far and away the most important...