4 Tweets per Day for 10 Years?

My ten-year Twitter Anniversary: February 18th, 2022. I have tweeted over 16,000 times, which means on average I have tweeted just over 4 tweets/day for the past ten years. This doesn’t mean I am a Twitter or social media expert, but it is something—at the least, a...

Knowledge Foraging at The Library

Here are several of the definitions of “to forage” from the Oxford English Dictionary: 1. To collect forage from; to overrun (a country) for the purpose of obtaining or destroying supplies; to lay under contribution for forage. Also in wider sense, to...
My Zinsser Rules For Writing

My Zinsser Rules For Writing

When I master these four writing rules, my writing will improve dramatically: Verbs have more vigor than nouns.Active verbs are better than passive verbs.Shorter words and sentences are better than longer words and sentences.The concrete is better than the vague....
Becoming a Writing Workhorse

Becoming a Writing Workhorse

When I look carefully at all of the successful authors I admire, I see a variety of techniques, skills, habits, strengths, and weaknesses. Some write in the morning, some in the evening. Some write daily, some in blocks of time. Some are plotters, some are pantsers....