by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing, Writing Habits
I have several books which I reread at least once a year. These are books that I want to make part of me. My favorite? The Elements of Style, by William Strunk and E.B. White. Just consider two of the directives in the first chapter ( and this book gives directives,...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Creativity, Writing, Writing Habits
At my desk I have a print called Reaching for the Stars, created by the artist Marvin Oliver. Isn’t that Raven, stealing the box of light from the chief and delivering it to the black sky (giving us the sun, moon, stars, and planets), a tricky little thing? Anyway,...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing, Writing Habits
Etymologically, a decision is: A noun of action from past-participle stem of decidere “to decide, determine,” literally “to cut off,” from de “off” (see de-) + caedere “to cut.” Whereas a commitment,...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry, Writing
Nature’s first sundial, Winter beach o’clock: p.m. This tree is now dead.
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry, Writing
Step, step, step, step, step The boundary of the ocean Awaits your wading.
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Poetry, Writing
Low tide, unmasking The ocean is far away, Floating again soon?