by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing
I recently took a writing masterclass taught by the publisher Brooke Warner on finding your writer’s voice. She presented one definition of voice which initially didn’t make sense to me: Voice = Courage. But then she pointed out that the root of the word courage is...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | RAVEN, Writing
As a physician, I’ve often had to give advice to patients that they didn’t want to hear, but needed to hear. As a writer, in a recent conversation with an experienced agent, I found myself with the shoe on the other foot. I received advice about my debut novel that I...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing
When you have reached a certain level of creative autonomy—of freedom—be very wary of giving it up.
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing
I love the morning quiet, the time just before sunrise, usually between 4:30 am and 5:30 am. At home at this time it’s just me and my cat. I have my coffee and writing material, and he has his treat and bowl of wet food. Its simply lovely. Outside of the home...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Writing, Writing Habits
I recently heard an interview with the exceptional writer and teacher Charles Johnson, who made a comment which made such sense to me. He said (slightly paraphrased from memory): “I am not really comfortable calling writing a career or a job; rather, it’s a way...
by Matthew Rehrl MD | Book Reviews, Writing
In preparation for a meeting with an agent at the upcoming upcoming San Francisco writers conference, I spent a few hours reading one of his author’s debut novels: Beauty of the Broken, by Tawni Waters. It’s a lovely book—a coming of age story and a young love...