This week, on my drive home after my Saturday morning photoshoot (where I took the above photograph), I came up with what I thought was a new, super-cool hashtag:

#Phoetry: A photograph-inspired poem.

To my surprise—and momentary dismay—when I got home I found this hashtag already in use.

And why do I say momentary dismay?

Because it led to the poet Carl Chamberlain’s wonderful Calm Carl website, where he is actively combining poetry, photography, and the spoken word. For an example, check out his lovely phoetry creation (poem+word+photo) “Tranquility”.

So, what’s the key thing I learned?

Perhaps not to embrace my creative ideas for the sake of “being first”—because it’s highly unlikely any of my ideas will ever really be first; rather, embrace my creative ideas for where they may lead.