Some people like to tear things down, and then start from scratch.

For writers and other artists, that can sometimes be a good idea. It also can be a good idea for home renovators, as we often see on HGTV.

But for these creative “tear-downs”, one person usually has the vision, the authority, and the money for what comes next.

When we talk about tearing down organizations in which there are thousands or millions of stakeholders, and when there is no vision, authority, or money for what comes next, what will be leftover is chaos and anarchy. We don’t have to look too far afield at some of the recent military engagements in the Middle East over the last twenty years for examples of this.

So, I am not too anxious about tearing down many of our current organizations in the naive hope that we can replace them with something better.

Anarchy and chaos may be ripe ground for an artist or writer, but they are poor soil for a society.