Nowadays the word diet has a bad wrap.

There are diets for Cavemen, diets for people in Miami Beach, and diets for people that Watch their Weight. There are Ethical Diets, and Restriction Diets, and both High-Carb and Low-Carb Diets.  Heck, sometimes I think there are more diets than people!

Combine this with the current common opinion (justified or not) that “diets don’t work” with the word diet being used principally to sell books on Amazon (over 50,000 times on the most recent Amazon Book search!) then I suggest the word diet has a branding problem.

. But now I think the time has come for people to take the word back!

It turns out that the origin of the word diet stems from the  Ancient Greek word diaita (δίαιτα) which means way of living.  

Our “diet”—that is, our “way of living”—doesn’t just concern our food choices and food restrictions.  Rather, it is a term that encompasses our exercise habits, our sleep habits, our interaction with our community, and our mechanisms with dealing with stress.

So I for one am going to take back the word “diet”  and improve my way of living every day!