I live in Bellevue, Washington, but my health club I go to every morning is in Redmond, Washington, about 10 miles east of me via Highway 520.
I usually go quite early in the mornings, around 5 a.m. I find the world is much slower at this time. However, occasionally I need to push that time back, and instead I go at around 8 a.m.
This usually is a big mistake. Unfortunately, this is the peak time of morning rush hour, and because Redmond is also the home of Microsoft Campus, this means I am in the thick of the dreaded “Microsoft Morning Commute.”
Now, I don’t know exactly what it is about Microsoft employees, but this ten-mile drive down the 520 feels like I am in one of their Fast and Furious driving videos, populated with Range Rovers and Porsches instead of whatever cars are in that franchise. (Heck, for all I know, since Microsoft is all about their XBox 360, perhaps this commute is the inspiration for Fast and Furious!)
Anyway, all kidding aside, if you have the wherewithal to be driving a $120,000 Range Rover, perhaps you need to slow down and not put other drivers and yourself at risk?