Take a look at your healthcare organization’s website home page right now. 

Is there any information about the opioid crisis? 

Is there a well displayed link to an opioid resource page? 

Is there a help line? 

Is there information on proper opioid disposal? 

Chances are, the answer is no. 

Look, at most healthcare organizations, the website’s  homepage has more visits than the office’s doorway. 

It’s an obvious place to try to make a small-  but repeatable – dent in the opioid crisis.

So why isn’t it? 

There are many good reasons  excuses, including:

  • Brand dilution
  • IT time and Expense
  • Website Gatekeeper Effect
  • Marketing Bandwidth
  • Haven’t even considered it ( probably the most likely) 

The list of excuses will be long, but all pale in comparison to preventing a 12 year-old dying from an overdose in your patent population. 

So take another look at your website’s home page. 

Even a simple link to the CDC’s Opioid Information Page, which can be  thoughtfully placed and highlighted* at trivial expense, is a step in the right direction; it also sends a message to your both your patients and your creative staff:   “We take this very, very seriously”. 

Consider it, because today,  there is going to be one patient on your website that really needs it.

*To help engage your Marketing Department’s creative juices, initially ask them you want to make this link a bold purple, capitalized with a MARKER FELT FONT !  This will get them so worked they will come back with the best Opioid Homepage Information ideas ever!