One of the great benefits of having a written mission statement is it helps prevent your life’s purpose from being hijacked by someone else.

In these turbulent socio-political times there are many causes worthy of attention. However, the question for you and I isn’t whether or not it’s a worthy cause, but whether or not it’s our worthy cause.

And a key step to determining this? Have a pre-existing written mission statement!

Then, when you’re are being recruited (hijacked) by someone of good intent to join their mission, your personal written mission statement allows you to see to what extent their mission overlaps with yours. If the overlap is significant, feel free to put your time, energy and life blood into their cause; if it doesn’t, you will have added support to decline their offer.

(Take note: some people trying to recruit (hijack) you will often have some variation of the phrase “if you’re not with me, you’re against me” or “if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” These phrases have been uttered by zealots, dictators, bullies, and authoritarians for hundreds of years, and I consider them red flags and the recruiters (hijackers) that utter them are often energy vampires, living a life of 24/7 anger and negativity. I avoid them.)