Time and Flip-Flops

Time and Flip-Flops

Although I am a “time-person” (where being on time means being 15 minutes early), next to my bathroom clock is my “Life is better in flip-flops” artwork —set there to remind me to enjoy life every day with the people whom I love. Don't let your system dictate your...

Resuming My Writing-by-Dictation

Resuming My Writing-by-Dictation

An effective, high-volume writing technique is the use of digital dictation and it is one I've used in the past. I've discussed this approach in an old blog post Physician: Too Busy To Blog? The Blog by Walking. Unfortunately, it is a subtle skill, and like all subtle...

Caution: Ikigai Is Not Happiness

A word of caution. Although pursuing one's ikigai—one's purpose—can lead to a fulfilling life, it doesn't necessarily lead to a happy one. For example, just take a look at any of the several tech billionaires so well known to all of us. They are passionate about what...

My Big Book of Causation!

My Big Book of Causation!

In philosophy, there are big books and small books. This spring, I am reading The Oxford Handbook of Causation. It's just arrived, and it’s a big book! At 37 chapters and roughly 800 pages (approx. 22 pages per chapter), my short-term goals are simple: read two...

I Love My Hoban Cards

I Love My Hoban Cards

For most of the things I purchase, I focus strictly on functionality and cost. But there are rare purchases that are important to me at the level of my ikigai—my purpose. And for these items, I always strive for quality. For me, these items include my Montblanc pens...