Several definitions of duty:

The action and conduct due to a superior; homage, submission; due respect, reverence; an expression of submission, deference, or respect.

An action due to a feudal superior or lord of a manor.

That which is owing to any one; (one’s) due; a debt; a charge, fee, etc. legally due; a due portion or allowance. of duty: as a debt or thing due.

A payment due and enforced by law or custom.

Action, or an act, that is due in the way of moral or legal obligation; that which one ought or is bound to do; an obligation. (The chief current sense.)

Moral obligation; the binding force of what is morally right. (Sometimes personified.)

The action which one’s position or station directly requires; business, office, function.

Oxford English Dictionary

I think this is a week to reflect upon one’s own duty, and, when finding oneself short—as I often do—to look to role models for inspiration.