It must be difficult being angry all of the time.
On social media so many people seem to be constantly angry. Every post is negative, every comment is bitter, every tweet is lashing out. I mean, some of these people seem wake up tweeting angry, tweet angrily multiple times during the day, and then say go night with an angry comment. My gosh, I suspect they are even angry in their dreams!
Now, it’s not that I don’t often find myself agreeing with some of these angry people’s observations. I usually do. Rather, it’s that they are emotionally so immoderate and one-sided.
They seem unable to balance the tragedy in life with the joy in life. Sure, there are many problems in our world, most of them self-imposed because of greed, narcissism, and ignorance, but I contend there’s also an overwhelming amount of joy which can more than balance it out.
I want to be cognizant of this world’s problems so I can help out when and where I can (or at least not make them worse). But I also want most of my time spent in the joy domain, being in awe of the universe and life itself.
We are conscious in this universe— one which which proceeded us by billions of years and will exist for a trillion years after us—for only a small moment. We exist for such a small spark of time. Angry people, ask yourselves this: How do you want to spend this precious moment? Full of anger, or full of wonder and joy?