Start with Twitter.

There you go. I said it.

LinkedIn. Blogs. Podcasting. YouTube. Facebook. Instagram. SnapChat. Periscope. Vlogging. Livestreams. Forums….

The menu for digital social engagement goes on and on, – it’s reminiscent of a menu at Red Robin,  the first screen of Netflix, or browsing Amazon:  Too many choices, which causes an initial decision paralysis, followed by a subsequent, often rushed and regrettable decision, especially when you first get started.

I suggest, for physicians especially (who invariably place a premium on time),  just start with Twitter first.

Twitter is mobile friendly, and within minutes, you can create an immediately useful – and time saving-  tool (particularly if you thoughtfully set up one or two simple lists and on subjects which  deeply interest you).

But, more than that, Twitter is a linchpin for all of social media, so when you develop even a little competence with Twitter, you will gain insight into just about every other social media platform.

So, again, if you are a physician, start with Twitter.

There. Decision made.