Perhaps there are little crowds of miseries flying along through the air. Then they look down and see you gloomy and miserable. They imagine if they come down they might be able to lodge for a week or a few months or even a year.

John O’Donohue, Anam Cara

I see so many people on social media who are criticism machines. They are forever amplifying the negative, all in the guise of educating people on the injustices of this world (as if none of us were aware of them).

Well, we are aware of them, and we are trying to do out best. So please, reach deep down and try to muster up a little hopefulness and joy for a change. Dislodge these miseries from you soul, if not for your own sake, then for ours.

Life is but a wink in time, and not all of us want to spend it wallowing in despair.