I love learning about Social Media principles form my betters, and when it comes to Social Media, there are few people better than Katy Perry.
2 billion, 465 million, 849 thousand, and 832 views. Wow! That’s a lot of views.
Remember ikigai – the confluence of passion, skills, what the world needs, and what the world will pay you for?
Well, tale a look at this snapshot of Katy Perry’s roar Video.
Here we see her passion in action (The empowerment of young women).
We see her singing ( Her skill, her craft).
We can see her demonstrating something the world needs : a role model for young women in this video who is demonstrating both strength and independence.
And finally, we can see below the two simple links at the beginning of her video description, which directly monetize this video (allowing Ms. Perry to do more videos).
It’s easy for healthcare organizations to dismiss social media content from people such as Katy Perry as just a celebrity effect, but I suggest part of the reason they are celebrities is because they have a handle on the practical aspects of their ikigai which they then apply to their social media.