I am part of two Twitter communities: the healthcare community and the writing community.
In the past, my Twitter focus has been on the healthcare side. But now, being fully committed to my ikigai pivot from healthcare to writing, I have decided to shift my Twitter focus towards the writing community.
I have already started this by editing my Lists to be more writing-centric. I also will be taking a hard look at my profile and pinned tweet (both of which have a healthcare focus). And I intend to engage more—via comments, hashtags, retweets and quote tweets—with writers, readers, publishers, and editors.
But oddly, this isn’t easy.
Much of my identity is tied up in being a physician, and I am finding that even a simple task, such as removing the “MD” from my profile name, is met with internal resistance.
But that’s OK. If there wasn’t at least a little discomfort with change, then I suspect I wouldn’t be changing at all.