What’s the benefit of Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter for writers?

It’s that it’s a stark reminder that you do not control the content on Twitter that you create; you never did, and you never will.

It’s presentation, it’s distribution, and even it’s very presence was subject the decisions of a corporation owned by shareholders and run by a group of executives; and soon—if and when the Twitter deal goes through—your content will be controlled by the whims of one individual.

In the near term,for most of us, little will change, but keep this in mind: making Twitter (and for that matter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, and YouTube) the keystone of your digital platform puts you as a business entity at risk.

Make sure you have a website which you own and you fully control the content, and then diversify your other distribution channels around this website, your website…not Elon Musk’s.