Woo-woo is a term I’ve run across which I’ve heard people use about going over the top with a certain form of spirituality. I often see use it to describe writers and bloggers who refer to spiritual aspects of yoga, meditation, affirmations, prayer, muses, and the like.

I am probably one of the least woo-woo people one would ever meet. Perhaps it’s because of my early love of mathematics, physics, and astronomy at a young age, but I truly believe that if an angel or alien presented to me one day, I would say hello, and then just go on about my day.

That being said, it’s because that I know myself to have an emotionally flat approach to woo-woo things, that I intentionally do one or two woo-woo things to support my writing. Two examples: I have a short list of motivational affirmations that I review every week, and I following Homer’s lead ( the Homer of the Iliad, not Homer Simpson!) , and invoke the help of my muse before I write.

Key point: critical self-reflection requires me to occasionally swim against my strongest personality traits.