I have completed a poetry set that is now ready to self-publish. I have 50 haiku which I composed about 50 black and white photos (which I also “composed”). It’s a one-of-a-kind creative project, combining two mediums, and I am proud of it.
Yet I find myself hesitating to publish it.
Publishing has several practical benefits. Crafting a digital book will familiarize me with Amazon’s publishing tools. It also helps me better understand the Amazon bookstore as a writer.
There are also more abstract benefits. Publishing is an act of completion, of shipping—and shipping my work is one of my weaknesses as a writer. It allows me to put something positive “out into the universe.” Finally, it’s what professional writers do: publish.
But I find myself making excuses why I shouldn’t publish this project. It’s “off-brand,” (as if I had a brand yet!). It will make me look unprofessional. I’m not really a poet or a professional photographer. I will open myself up to ridicule. Etc. Etc. Etc.
So what will I do?
Publishing is the voice of hope, of doing.
Not publishing is the voice of fear, of hiding.
I am choosing the latter.
Keep tuned!