How My iPhone Can Change A Boring Lobby

How My iPhone Can Change A Boring Lobby

Some people see will look at the photograph above and see a boring, bland lobby. Not me. While waiting for my father at his doctor’s appointment, I see an opportunity to quietly write three or four blog posts! Having a proofed-out writing system in place for my...

On Angry Bitter People

Some people are gifted in how they engage angry, bitter folks. These gifted people aren’t just empathetic, they are curious, and this helps them nudge these bitter folks to a more joyful state. Sadly, I am not one of these people. Now, granted, some of these...

On Duty

Several definitions of duty: The action and conduct due to a superior; homage, submission; due respect, reverence; an expression of submission, deference, or respect.An action due to a feudal superior or lord of a manor.That which is owing to any one; (one’s)...

Twitter: A Character Filter?

One benefit of Twitter is that it disinhibits many people, allowing careful observers to gain insight not just into a these folks intellect, but into their character. Given time, a mean-spirited, small-souled person will show their true colors on Twitter—and when they...